Valedictorian and Salutatorian

GPA: 107.7941
Proud Parents: Maria Teresa Vazquez, Juan Alberto Vazquez
Schools Attended: Language Development Center
Ray H. Darr Elementary
Memorial Jr. High School
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: University of Texas at Austin - Major: Geological Sciences
Quote: "Whatever you may do, and wherever you may be, just be the best you can be." - Juan Vazquez
Proud Parents: Maria Teresa Vazquez, Juan Alberto Vazquez
Schools Attended: Language Development Center
Ray H. Darr Elementary
Memorial Jr. High School
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: University of Texas at Austin - Major: Geological Sciences
Quote: "Whatever you may do, and wherever you may be, just be the best you can be." - Juan Vazquez

GPA: 107.1515
Proud Parent: Esperanza Rodriguez
Schools Attended: Juan Sebastian Bach
Ray H. Darr Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School.
Future Plans: University of Texas at Austin - Major: Mechanical Engineering
Quote: “I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
– Thomas Edison
Proud Parent: Esperanza Rodriguez
Schools Attended: Juan Sebastian Bach
Ray H. Darr Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School.
Future Plans: University of Texas at Austin - Major: Mechanical Engineering
Quote: “I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
– Thomas Edison
Top 5% of the Class of 2020

TORRES Rank: 3rd
Proud Parent: Myrna Alarcon
Schools Attended: Diboll Primary School
Benavides Heights Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C C Winn High School
Future Plans: Texas A&M University Corpus Christi - Major: Marine Biology
Quote: "You have to hurt in order to know. Fall in order to grow. Lose in order to gain. Because most of life's lessons are learned in pain."- J-Cole

ALVAREZ Rank: 4th
Proud Parents: Fernando & Lorena Alvarez
Schools Attended:Kennedy Hall
Pete Gallego Elementary
Eagle Pass Jr. High School
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: Angelo State University - Biology (Fall 2020)
Quote: "It doesn’t matter how frustrated you get and want to punch everyone around you, never give up, because you can fall, but after you fall, you might fly. Oh, and don’t punch everyone around you either. Just don’t get so caught up trying to be the best that you forget to have a blast." - Liliana Alvarez

Proud Parents: Diego Portillo, Maria V. Munoz
Schools Attended: L.D.C.
Longfellow Elementary
Ray H. Darr Elementary
Willow Creek Middle School
Memorial Jr. High
Mayo High School
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: University of Texas at Austin - Major: Biology (Fall 2020)
Quote: "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." -Bill Cosby

MARTINEZ Rank: 6th
Proud Parents: Albert Martinez & Edith Moreno
Schools Attended: L.D.C.
Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
Memorial Jr. High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: University of Texas at San Antonio - Major: Communication Disorders (Fall 2020)
Quote: “Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.” – Michael Josephson

DIAZ Rank: 7th
Proud Parents: Marco Antonio Diaz, Teresita De Jesus Diaz
Schools Attended: Rosita Valley "Building Bridges" Headstart
Rosita Valley Literacy Academy
Sam Houston Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: Texas Tech University - Major: Political Science (Fall 2020)
Quote: “Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how blessed you are.” –Anonymous

SADA Rank: 8th
Proud Parent: Marcos Sada
Schools Attended: Rosita Valley Elementary School
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: TAMIU - Major: Biology (Fall 2020)
Quote: “No one is ever really ready to head into the unknown.” – Mark Sada

CORRAL Rank: 9th
Proud Parent: Martha Leticia Martinez
Schools Attended: LBJ Head Start
Language Development Center
Ray H. Darr Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: University of Texas at Austin - Major: Exercise Science (Fall 2020)
Quote: “Let all that you do be done in love.” – 1 Corithians 16:14

CARMONA Rank: 10th
Proud Parents: Luis E. Carmona, Rosalba Carmona
Schools Attended: Kids Are First (KAF) Head Start - Las Colonias,
Language Development Center
San Luis Elementary,
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: TAMIU - Major: Biology - Pre-dental (Fall 2020)
Quote: “Vive la vida con un proposito y vivelo al maximo.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli

MORENO Rank: 11th
Proud Parents: Elida Moreno, Julian Moreno
Schools Attended: Language Development Center
Ray H. Darr Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: University of Texas at Austin - Major: Biology (Fall 2020)
Quote: “Life playing checkers, I’m out here playing chess.” – Luis Moreno

RODRIGUEZ Rank: 12th
Proud Parents: Angie Sotelo, Ricardo Rodriguez
Schools Attended: Language Development Center
Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: Texas State University - Major: Exercise and Sports Science (Fall 2020)
Quote: “Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.” – Seneca

GARCIA Rank: 13th
Proud Parent: Elida Adriana Garcia Arroyo
Schools Attended: Instituto Martín Luther King
Instituto Juan Sebastián Bach
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: University of Texas Rio Grande Valley - Major: Civil Engineering (Fall 2020)
Quote: “Strive for greatness, be grateful for what you have, and help others just like you were helped.” – Ricardo E. Garcia

MARTINEZ Rank: 14th
Proud Parents: Sally Martinez, Jesus Martinez
Schools Attended: Language Development Center
Benavides Heights Elementary
Perfecto Mancha Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: University of Texas at San Antonio - Major: Kinesiology (Fall 2020)
Quote: “Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment in life.” – Unknown

Proud Parents: Priscilla Inclan, Efrain Valdez
Schools Attended: Rosita Valley Literacy Academy
Rosita Valley Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans:(Fall 2020) SWTJC (Basics) Texas A&M - Major: Information Technology and Systems
Quote: “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best.” – St. Jerome

PEREZ Rank: 16th
Proud Parents: Claudia Perez, Humberto Perez
Schools Attended: Las Colonias Headstart
Rosita Valley Literacy Academy
Sam Houston Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: University of Texas at Austin - Major: Arts and Entertainment Technologies
Quote: “It’s never too late to start over. If you weren’t happy yesterday, try something different today. Don't stay stuck, do better.” – Jessica E. Perez

CHAVARRIA Rank: 17th
Proud Parents: Jesus Chavarria, Claudia Chavarria
Schools Attended: CSA Headstart
Rosita Valley Literacy Academy
Sam Houston Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: The American Musical and Dramatic Academy - Major: Musical Theatre Performance
Quote: “There will be times when we doubt ourselves and question if our dreams are truly possible. From personal experience, I can assure you that they can come true, that is, if you put in the time, energy, and effort.” – Jesus A. Chavarria

CASTILLON Rank: 18th
Proud Parents: Isamari Castillon, Noe Alejandro Castillon
Schools Attended: Language Development Center
Ray Darr Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: Texas A&M at College Station - Major: Biology
Quote: “Sometimes life may throw us curve balls but we have to make sure we hit a homerun every time.” – Isamari Castillon

Proud Parents: Angel Carrizales, Jessica Ortiz
Schools Attended: Rosita Valley Headstart
Sam Houston Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: TAMIU - Major: Psychology
Quote: “It might have been very hard for me to get here, but it was completely worth it. This long, hard road led to a very beautiful destination and I'm so glad to be able to say that I made it. Graduation is definitely not an ending; it is the beginning of your life.” – Janessa Carrizales

MARTINEZ Rank: 20th
Proud Parents: Veronica Martinez, Apolinar Martinez
Schools Attended: Language Development Center
Robert E. Lee Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: University of Texas at San Antonio - Major: Biomedical Engineering
Quote: “You must do the things you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Proud Parents: Enrique Jesus Romero, Maria Maricela Lopez
Schools Attended: Kinder Severino Calderon
San Luis Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: Texas State University - Major: Radiation Therapy
Quote: “Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live” – Anne Sweeney

PERALTA Rank: 22nd
Proud Parent: Aide Ruiz
Schools Attended: Rosita Valley Literacy Academy
Sam Houston Elementary
Rosita Valley Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: TAMIU - Major: Psychology
Quote: “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right.” – Henry Ford

DE LEON Rank: 23rd
Proud Parents: Irma Hernandez, Luis De Leon
Schools Attended: Roosevelt Elementary
Gus Garcia Jr. High
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: TAMIU - Major: Psychology
Quote: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” – Henry David Thoreau

RIVERA Rank: 24th
Proud Parents: Hector Rivera, Luz Rivera
Schools Attended: Language Development Center
Benavides Heights Elementary
Perfecto Mancha Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: (Fall 2020) SWTJC - Basics
Texas State University - Major: Education
Quote: “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” – Vidal Sassoon

HERNANDEZ Rank: 25th
Proud Parents: Reynaldo Hernandez, Anabel E. Huitron
Schools Attended: Language Development Center
Robert E. Lee Elementary
Benavides Heights Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: University of Kingsville - Major: Computer Science (Fall 2020)
Quote: “...Or if one loves righteousness, whose works are virtues, She teaches moderation and prudence, righteousness and fortitude, and nothing in life is more useful than these...So I determined to take her to live with me, knowing that she would be my counselor while all was well, and my comfort in care and grief.” – Wisdom 8:7,9

ESQUIVEL Rank: 26th
Proud Parents: Ismael Esquivel, Pura Esquivel
Schools Attended: Language Development Center
San Luis Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: University of Texas at San Antonio - Major: Biology (Fall 2020)
Quote: “Everything you do now is for your future.” – Unknown

POLENDO Rank: 27th
Proud Parent: Sandra Polendo
Schools Attended: Rosita Valley Headstart
Kickapoo Headstart
Rosita Valley Literacy Academy
Sam Houston Elementary
Kermit Purple Sage Elementary
Memorial Junior High
C.C. Winn High School
Future Plans: Our Lady of the Lake University - Major: Social Work/Psychology
Quote: “The way I see it, if you want a rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain” – Dolly Parton